Legal Training, Information and Promotional Center
The institution is responsible to create and monitor legal database for laws, legislations, Government decisions, legal normative acts and other necessary legal information, useful for the state officials, its organizations and public. We promote and distribute laws and legislation to the public through usage friendly, interesting and adequate prints, publications and translated materials and it publishes series of compilations or, volumes of laws, legislations and other legal normative acts, handbooks and documents.
The Legal training, information and promotional center is responsible for promotional and explanatory activities about laws and legislations; to use reader friendly and simple usage prints and materials; to build an integrated registering system of laws, legislations, other legal acts and legal information and to organize activities for improvement of public legal education.
The center is on a new strategic mission to accomplish new functional improvements to its service methods, reachability and quality of legal information and promotions.
Legal Training
Our legal trainings take place in a wide range of following fields in order to improve and increase in public legal education: nonofficial trainings for improvement of public legal education; special training on human rights issue for law enforcement officers; trainings for improvement of legal education for disabled; trainings to improve knowledge and skill for teachers of Law schools and trainings for prevention of crime for high school students.
Information channels
The center is responsible to build a database for laws, legislations and other legal normative acts; to supply legal information for state officials, its organizations and public; to promote and introduce laws and legislations to public by using reader friendly simple usage prints, publications or translated materials with explanatory legal contents; to publish and distribute the compilations or, volumes of laws, legislations, other legal normative acts, handbooks and documents.