Law Review 2015

  • 2020-12-31
  • Batzorig
  • 679

The new edition of “Law Review” seasonal magazine for legal research, study and practice, has published in English Language. You can order this magazine by “Mongol post”, “Sky post”, “UB post”, “Tugeemel post”, and are able to buy directly from book store which locates at 1st floor of the National legal institute. New edition has included following articles:

• Criminal Law Reform in Mongolia
Batbayar.E, (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Director of National Legal Institute

• Differentiated Punishment for Bribery
Undrakh.B, (LL.M.), Policy researcher, National Legal Institute

• Setting the Coordinates for Transnational Integration: Theoretical and Practical Applications of Comparative Law in Mongolia’s Constitutional Tsets

Cody Wood, University of Kansas School of Law

• Die Todesstrafe: Wege zur Abschaffung
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Jörg Albrecht Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut und Leiter der kriminologischen Abteilung

•The Administrative Court of Mongolia as a Protector of Human Rights
Erdenetsogt.A,(Ph.D), Associate Professor, Public Law Department, School of Law, National University of Mongolia

• An Analysis of International and Domestic Human Rights Law:Mongolia’s Obligation to Implement Anti-Discrimination Laws for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Brett Carlson, JD Candidate, Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie UniversityHalifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

•Реформы пенитенциарной системы общества, как важнейший элемент обеспечения безопасности государства (На примере России и Монголии)

Хармаев Ю.В. доцент, к.ю.н., зав.каф.уголовного процесса и криминалистики, ЮФ Бурятский государственный университет, г. Улан-Удэ

•Правовая природа зарубежных связей субъектов
Российской Федерации
О.В. Хышиктуев, профессор Бурятского государственного
университета, заслуженный юрист РФ, к.ю.н.,
А.В. Акчурина, начальник отдела Государственно-правого
комитета Администрации Главы Республики Бурятия и
Правительства Республики Бурятия, к.ю.н

• The Applicable Law Mechanism of the International Centre for
Settlement of Investment Disputes
Doljin.S, (Ph.D), Associate Professor, Private Law Department, School of Law,
National University of Mongolia