New Mongolian Parliament holds its first session

  • 2020-12-31
  • Batzorig
  • 1,296

(June 30, 2020) The eighth parliamentary election was held on the 24th of June, 2020 throughout the country. According to the official results announced by the General Election Commission of Mongolia, the Mongolian People’s Party, which is the country’s ruling party, has won 62 seats, while the Democratic Party won 11 seats; the Right Person Electorate Coalition and Our Coalition took one seat respectively. Also, only one independent candidate won a seat. By decree of Mongolian President, the first plenary session of Mongolia’s eighth parliament opened and the 76 members of the Parliament took their oaths of loyalty on the 30th of June, 2020. In accordance with the corresponding law, the first session is being chaired by the eldest member of the new parliament until the Speaker of the parliament is chosen and assumes office. President of Mongolia delivered opening remarks at the session and Chair of the General Election Commission of Mongolia, the central election authority gave a speech on the results and reports of the 2020 parliamentary election.