Legal Research Center
The Legal Research Center conducts policy researches and secondary studies for legislations and its drafts according to the methodology and instruction approved by the 59th government decree in 2016 and provides a law library service to the public. Also, the center publishes a quarterly journal of legal theory and practice “Mongolian Journal of Law”, and regularly organizes series of lectures under the theme of “Law and Its Prosperity” of those candidates, academics, and researchers with Doctor of Law. Publishing academic papers in the field of law and co-organizing international conferences with foreign academic institutes are also main activities for the legal research center.
The Legal research center encourages the Academic Council that supports the director of the National Legal Institute in terms of legal research, information and promotion and cooperation with foreign entities.
Policy Study
Referral Service
Legal Translation
Academic Review
Policy Analysis
Comparative Study
Drafting Articles
Books and Handouts
The Legal research center conducts state policy researches and its secondary studies upon request made by the Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs or plans in its initiatives. In addition, the Legal research center evaluates ideas of legislations, its perspectives and requirements, the needs for passing the new legislation and conducts impact assessment, needs, and preliminary surveys. Defining the needs for adopting new bills and cooperating with the law and legislation drafters by introducing reference, information, researches, and development methodology are regular tasks for the legal research center. Moreover, it issues an advisory opinion of researchers for the bill drafters or gives a conclusion. Researchers participate in the process of making the law by editing the bill upon providence scientific research, information, methodology, and theoretical-practice supports and translate foreign laws and legislations into the native language.
